Amy's blue lady
 Amy's blue moon
Amy's blue moon

Amy's blue lady

Amy's wonderland
photo of Kaushalya
 Amy's wonderland


leaf bullet

Dear Friends of this planet, If you are a Lightworker and are interested in healing this planet, please try to do more than you are doing, by standing up to and against the wrong doings of governments. Heads of Stae rarely get to where they are by not doing anything. George W Bush got to where he is by surrounding himself with powerful people and campaigning. Yes, he has almost unlimited funds at his disposal, which we do not. If just one million people world-wide spent just $10 on changing the situation, this would have an effect on the current situation. Please follow the links below to see what is happening in the world today and what you can and must do.



Lightworkers Unite!

On Spiritual Evolution

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butterflies in flowers border

butterflies in flowers border

butterflies in flowers border

butterflies in flowers border